It has been a game changer for me as I try to live my singleness well. I can't listen to this and not cry.
I have heard aspects of this message before, but never all together and so fully explained and thought out. We live in a world and culture that magnifies sex, sexual fulfillment, and relationships. As believers we know that Jesus is our hope and not any other relationship, and we trust that God is still good in withholding romantic love from us. But still we want it. And still the world, and often believers, too, tell us something is wrong with us, elevating marriage or being in a relationship. Certainly everyone around us is married or in a relationship. And it is hard to keep destroying the lies that are hurled at us.
Sisters, Jesus remained single His entire life on earth. He was never sexually or romantically fulfilled. And He was no less of a man. Let us take comfort in that.
So please listen to this. Listen to it again. Listen to it a month from now or whenever your singleness is hard to take.