Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Joy of Singleness: Turning to Christ

  Recently, I read an article that said it is much harder for married people to be focused completely on Christ than it is for singles. This wasn't to bash marriage or necessarily show couples their sin. Rather, it was pointing out a strength of being single.

 This made me take a look at my life.

 When I am afraid, I run to Jesus. If I was married I would run first to my husband.

 When I am alone, I turn to Jesus. If I had a boyfriend I would turn first to him.

 Though I admit I do not run to Jesus as quickly as I should, in the end I always do. But would I if I had a boyfriend or husband? I hope I would, but I can't say for sure. Having a significant other doesn't mean that you will never fully rely on God, but I think it usually makes it harder.

 I would be lying if I said I always completely rely on my Savior. I admit shamefully that sometimes Jesus is my last resort. I would also be lying if I said this was a blessing I want. Yes, I desperately want to cling to Christ and see my need for him- I think my soul longs for this more than I can ever know. But I would never have chosen to bring that about through my singleness. I guess that is the greatness of the God we worship. A God who takes hard things and turns them into good.

 So I am rejoicing in the fact that my singleness makes me turn to Christ. That it helps me depend on Him. That every day I can clearly see I need Him because of my single status.


  1. Amen! :) I am glad we have the chance to learn how to make Christ our all in all /before/ getting into a relationship. It might make it that much easier not to expect more from our husbands than they are humanly capable of.

    1. That's a good point, Paige. I didn't think about that aspect of it.


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